Solidity Tools
List of 123 Solidity Tools
Explore 123 of the best Solidity Tools across the most popular web3 ecosystems including Ethereum, Solana, and more! Solidity Tools include Slither, ApeWorx EVM Trace, Manticore, Solady, Scaffold-ETH.
of 123 results
- SlitherStatic Analysis ToolsSolidity static analysis framework and vulnerability detectors for auditing smart contracts.
- ApeWorx EVM TraceDebugging ToolsEthereum Virtual Machine transaction tracing tool by ApeWorx.
- ManticoreFree CustomersSymbolic Execution ToolsManticore is a symbolic execution tool for the analysis of Ethereum smart contracts and binaries.
- SoladySmart Contract TemplatesA branch from the Solmate project, aimed at gas-optimizing solidity snippets.
- Scaffold-ETHGrowth CustomersDevelopment FrameworksWith Scaffold-ETH, developers can use an adaptable frontend for Solidity smart contracts.
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- CookbookGrowth CustomersSmart Contract TemplatesA search engine for EVM smart contracts and open source.+4
- OpenZeppelinSmart Contract TemplatesOpenZeppelin Contracts is an open library for smart contract development.
- SolbaseSmart Contract TemplatesA base for smart contract development that is modern and gas optimized.
- SolmateSmart Contract TemplatesOpen source building blocks for Solidity smart contract development.
- SerpentorSmart Contract TemplatesOpen-source Vyper on-chain voting and governance smart contracts.
- HuffmateSmart Contract ToolsA growing collection of modern extensible Huff language smart contracts.
- Wei ConverterSmart Contract ToolsAn in browser and SDK-callable calculator to convert between Wei, Gwei, and Ether units.
- SolvmEVM ToolsA stripped-down EVM implemented using Yul & Solidity.
- codeslawSmart Contract Toolscodeslaw facilitates faster Ethereum development by allowing developers to search for smart contracts.
- Solidity Array GeneratorSolidity Developer ToolsSolidity functions to generate evenly spaced arrays, linspace, arange & logspace.
- Popular Smart Contract TemplatesSmart Contract TemplatesTemplates for Popular Smart Contracts.
- ChuffSmart Contract ToolsOpenZeppelin (Solidity) contract patterns written and optimized in the Huff assembly language.
- SethFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsAn Ethereum CLI from DappHub to query contracts, send transactions, follow logs and manipulate data.
- SolhintStatic Analysis ToolsOpen-source, configurable Solidity linter for syntax-related vulnerabilities built by Protofire.
- Gnosis V2Smart Contract TemplatesAn archive of Gnosis smart contracts for developers to review.
- SourcifyFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsSource code and metadata verification tool connecting EVM chains to an IPFS contract repository.
- OpenZeppelin UpgradesFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsA set of plugins for Hardhat and Truffle to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.
- WaffleFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsTypescript-compatible smart contract testing library for Ethereum that works with ethers.js.
- Transaction DecoderSmart Contract ToolsWell-maintained Ethereum transaction decoder and conversion calculator built by DethTools.
- ZoliditySmart Contract TemplatesZero-fuss smart contracts. Experiments on Ethereum.
- ETH SDKSmart Contract ToolsETH SDK is used to generate type-safe, lightweight SDK's for Ethereum smart contracts.
- PRBTestDebugging ToolsSolidity smart contract testing assertions and logging utilities.
- OpenZeppelin Test HelpersFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsTest Helpers is an assertion library for smart contract testing built by OpenZeppelin.
- Calldata DecoderSmart Contract ToolsAn in browser transaction calldata decoder built by dEth, as a part of their dEth Tool suite.
- DrippieSmart Contract ToolsA system for interval-controlled automated transactions.
- Solidity CoverageSolidity Developer ToolsCode coverage for Solidity smart-contracts.
- MythrilSymbolic Execution ToolsMythril is a dynamic analysis tool for EVM bytecode that detects security vulnerabilities.
- EVM2Free CustomersEVM Tools(e=vm'2) evm2 is an evm that runs inside the evm native to Go-Ethereum.
- ETHP2PWeb3 30 NomineesSolidity Developer ToolsETHP2P provides utilities and types to handle raw Eth peer-to-peer messages.
- RattleStatic Analysis ToolsRattle is a EVM static analysis framework designed to work on deployed smart contracts.
- Event DecoderSmart Contract ToolsAn event decoder, constructor encoder, transaction calculator toolset.
- Boring SoliditySmart Contract TemplatesA collection of general-purpose solidity contracts and libraries.
- DrizzleFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsA curated source of tools for DApp development with Javascript, Vue, and React.
- SnekmateSmart Contract TemplatesFree, open-source repository of general-purpose Vyper smart contracts.
- Hardhat TemplateSmart Contract ToolsHardhat-based quickstart for developing Solidity smart contracts.
- TypeChainSmart Contract ToolsGenerates some TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts.
- AmarnaStatic Analysis ToolsAmarna is a static analysis tool and linter for the Cairo programming language.
- Foundry Rust TemplateSmart Contract ToolsUse Foundry to build EVM smart contracts using the Rust programming language.
- Prettier SoliditySolidity Developer ToolsA Prettier plugin for automatically formatting your Solidity code.
- CastFree CustomersSmart Contract ToolsFoundry's official Command Line Interface for EVM interaction through command calls.
- PRBMathSmart Contract ToolsA Solidity library to handle complex fixed-point math with signed and unsigned variables.
- ApeWorx EVMEVM ToolsA Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.+1
- CantBeEvil LicenseSmart Contract TemplatesAn A16z managed CantBeEvil License reference point for smart contracts.
- Cairo Contracts WizardSmart Contract ToolsA building tool for Starknet Cairo developers with GUI and Codesandbox.
- SuryaFree CustomersSolidity Developer ToolsA set of utilities for exploring Solidity contracts.
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