What is Drizzle?
Drizzle is a Truffle project that boilerplates Web3 applications with the translation of smart contracts in the browser. Developers can utilize the libraries contained in Drizzle to fire up the frontend to smart contract logic. Used by +1.4 developers and commands a following of over 18k contributors and Web3 enthusiasts.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Drizzle
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Drizzle.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
Drizzle Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Drizzle.

Smart Contract Tools
CLI for creating Solidity DApps with hevm and not RPCÂ for smart contract transactions.

Smart Contract Tools
Chainlink hosted repository with Huff smart contract templates for free.

Smart Contract Tools
A Foundry-stack template and testing tools for developing Solidity smart contracts.