What is KEVM?
Runtime Verification Inc's K framework-based model and walkthrough to help write custom tests from a language and environment you deploy and maintain. Developers can create tests with more control of the underlying framework's semantics. Working knowledge of the K framework or its implementations is a prerequisite.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to KEVM
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with KEVM.
IntelliJ IDEA
Web3 IDEs
IntelliJ IDEA is a code editor that was specifically built for the Javascript Virtual Machine.
Development Frameworks
Brownie is a Python-based framework used for the development and testing of EVM smart contracts.
Development Frameworks
Inspired by Dapptools, Forge is a convenient Ethereum testing framework in the Foundry toolkit.
KEVM Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like KEVM.
ApeWorx EVM
EVM Tools
A Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Smart Contract Tools
codeslaw facilitates faster Ethereum development by allowing developers to search for smart contracts.
Dedaub Security Suite
Smart Contract Tools
The Dedaub Security Suite provides comprehensive blockchain project security.