Boring Solidity

What is Boring Solidity?
A Boring Crypto project, Boring Solidity serves as a template repository of tested and reviewed Solidity smart contracts for further development. Developers can learn how to structure Solidity smart contracts, although not guaranteed secure or plug-and-play for their use cases. Hundreds of stars prove that Boring Solidity has been the foundation of many active Solidity smart contracts.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Boring Solidity
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Boring Solidity.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Templates
Boring Solidity Alternatives
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Smart Contract Templates
A base for smart contract development that is modern and gas optimized.

Smart Contract Templates
A branch from the Solmate project, aimed at gas-optimizing solidity snippets.

Smart Contract Templates
Launchifi aims to build products that help launch blockchain-based projects in little to no time.