Gnosis V2
Smart Contract Templates
Gnosis V2
An archive of Gnosis smart contracts for developers to review.
What is Gnosis V2?
An open-source repository of smart contracts for Gnosis version 2. Developers can use code as templates, inspiration, or learning material to build better smart contracts. The project is now an archive, and although useful, a fresher branch exists. The original team behind the main keeps adding code to date.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Gnosis V2
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Gnosis V2.
NFT Smart Contract Templates
An optimized implementation of the IERC721 standard with multiple tokens minting at low gas cost.
Huff x Foundry
Dapp Templates
A Foundry Library for compiling, debugging, and working with Huff contracts in Solidity.
NFT Analyst Starter Pack
NFT App Templates
A free repository that produces CSV files containing NFT collection data.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Templates
Gnosis V2 Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Gnosis V2.
Boring Solidity
Smart Contract Templates
A collection of general-purpose solidity contracts and libraries.
Web3 Consulting Companies
QBEIN is blockchain development company focused on developing custom blockchain-based applications,
Smart Contract Templates
Decentralized Escrow Service & Marketplace.