What is TypeChain?
TypeChain is a Dethcrypto-built package that generates Typescript bindings for the frontend of a DApp to communicate or use underlying smart contracts. Developers can provide the ABI generated from compiling Solidity smart contracts, and get the bindings to form the interactions that fire up transactions from the frontend.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to TypeChain
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with TypeChain.

Smart Contract Templates
Zero-fuss smart contracts. Experiments on Ethereum.

Solidity Developer Tools
Blocktorch enables engineering teams to observe decentralized application architecture end-to-end.

Smart Contract Templates
An A16z managed CantBeEvil License reference point for smart contracts.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
TypeChain Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like TypeChain.