Metamorphic Contract Detector
Smart Contract Tools
Metamorphic Contract Detector
Detects metamorphic/mutable/editable Ethereum smart contracts.
What is Metamorphic Contract Detector?
The Metamorphic Contract Detector app and command line interface detects mutable Ethereum smart contracts based on 6 characteristics of metamorphic contracts. Any user can get clues leading to discovering metamorphic smart contracts behind an address. Developers can use the CLI to sniff out possible security risks and even exploit the mutable smart contracts.
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Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
Metamorphic Contract Detector Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Metamorphic Contract Detector.
Smart Contract Tools
A Solidity library to handle complex fixed-point math with signed and unsigned variables.
Smart Contract Tools
ETH SDK is used to generate type-safe, lightweight SDK's for Ethereum smart contracts.
Smart Contract Tools
A growing collection of modern extensible Huff language smart contracts.