Metamorphic Contract Detector

What is Metamorphic Contract Detector?
The Metamorphic Contract Detector app and command line interface detects mutable Ethereum smart contracts based on 6 characteristics of metamorphic contracts. Any user can get clues leading to discovering metamorphic smart contracts behind an address. Developers can use the CLI to sniff out possible security risks and even exploit the mutable smart contracts.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Metamorphic Contract Detector
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Metamorphic Contract Detector.

Solidity Developer Tools
AstraKode simplifies blockchain development with no-code tools and smart contract auditing.

Smart Contract Templates
Open-source Vyper on-chain voting and governance smart contracts.

Solidity Developer Tools
A set of utilities for exploring Solidity contracts.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
Metamorphic Contract Detector Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Metamorphic Contract Detector.

Smart Contract Tools
Use Foundry to build EVM smart contracts using the Rust programming language.

Smart Contract Templates
Launchifi aims to build products that help launch blockchain-based projects in little to no time.

Smart Contract Tools
CLI for creating Solidity DApps with hevm and not RPCÂ for smart contract transactions.