Cairo Contracts Wizard

What is Cairo Contracts Wizard?
OpenZeppelin's Cairo Contracts Wizard is a tool that gets developers a headstart when building smart contracts. Developers can use templates to build ERC20, ERC721, and custom tokens with the interactive menu components, all the while watching the code take shape. All code generated is available for download or to copy into existing projects.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Cairo Contracts Wizard
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Cairo Contracts Wizard.

Smart Contract Templates
Zero-fuss smart contracts. Experiments on Ethereum.

EVM Tools
Python scripts to format Ethereum block data for extraction transformation and loading jobs.

Solidity Developer Tools
An automatic documentation generator for Solidity projects to markdown.
Resources and Guides about Smart Contract Tools
Cairo Contracts Wizard Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Cairo Contracts Wizard.

Blockchain Security Tools
SolidityScan is an automated smart contract vulnerability detector.

Smart Contract Tools
A Foundry-stack template and testing tools for developing Solidity smart contracts.

Token Management Tools
Bitbond is a leading tokenization software provider in Europe