Prettier Solidity

What is Prettier Solidity?
Made by Prettier, and contributed to by dozens of developers, the plugin takes the hustle out of code structuring and formatting for better reading. Developers collaborating on smart contracts can write code that's easy to maintain and scale. Currently in use by over 30k Solidity developers world wide.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Prettier Solidity
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Prettier Solidity.

Static Analysis Tools
Open-source, configurable Solidity linter for syntax-related vulnerabilities built by Protofire.

Smart Contract Tools
Typescript-compatible smart contract testing library for Ethereum that works with ethers.js.

Smart Contract Tools
Chainlink hosted repository with Huff smart contract templates for free.
Resources and Guides about Solidity Developer Tools
Prettier Solidity Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Prettier Solidity.

Solidity Developer Tools
Build truly custom, purpose-built audited smart-contracts quickly to tokenize assets and services.

Development Frameworks
With Scaffold-ETH, developers can use an adaptable frontend for Solidity smart contracts.
Solidity Developer Tools
Pytest Cobra is a pythonistic testing tool for EVM-compatible smart contracts.