Solhint-Prettier Plugin

What is Solhint-Prettier Plugin?
The Solhint Prettier plugin allows you to connect the Prettier formatting rules to the Solhint linter. Used as a Solidity linter, Solhint detects a wide array of validation and security rules in compliance with Solidity's style guide. Prettier is an extremely popular style checker for Javascript with over 100k npm downloads per month, and provides preset and custom rules for formatting. Combined, Solhint with Prettier is an effective, consistent method for contract formatting and linting.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Solhint-Prettier Plugin
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Solhint-Prettier Plugin.

EVM Tools
(e=vm'2) evm2 is an evm that runs inside the evm native to Go-Ethereum.

Symbolic Execution Tools
Manticore is a symbolic execution tool for the analysis of Ethereum smart contracts and binaries.

Solidity Developer Tools
A Git Hooks manager to improve git commits with pre- or post-execution of scripts.
Resources and Guides about Static Analysis Tools
Solhint-Prettier Plugin Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Solhint-Prettier Plugin.

Static Analysis Tools
Ethlint (Formerly Solium) analyzes your Solidity code for style & security issues and fixes them.

Static Analysis Tools
Rattle is a EVM static analysis framework designed to work on deployed smart contracts.

Static Analysis Tools
Open-source, configurable Solidity linter for syntax-related vulnerabilities built by Protofire.