What is Ethlint?
Ethlint is a tool that analyzes your Solidity code to check for style and security best practices; when it finds an issue, it fixes it for you. Developers can use Ethlint's command line interface to lint over their contracts, integrate Ethlint with their favorite IDE's, or extend its functionality using its plugins. Ethlint is a Solidity linter with some 30 contributors and comprehensive documentation for contribution to, modification of, and experimentation with the Ethlint tool.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Ethlint
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Ethlint.

Solidity Developer Tools
A Git Hooks manager to improve git commits with pre- or post-execution of scripts.

EVM Tools
Python scripts to format Ethereum block data for extraction transformation and loading jobs.

Solidity Developer Tools
Build truly custom, purpose-built audited smart-contracts quickly to tokenize assets and services.
Resources and Guides about Static Analysis Tools
Ethlint Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Ethlint.

Static Analysis Tools
Solidity static analysis framework and vulnerability detectors for auditing smart contracts.

Static Analysis Tools
Rattle is a EVM static analysis framework designed to work on deployed smart contracts.

Blockchain Security Tools
Solidcheck.io is an automated vulnerability testing platform that secures Solidity smart contracts.