What is hevm?
The hevm project is an EVM debugger and symbolic execution engine developed by DappHub. Built specifically for symbolic execution, unit testing, and debugging of smart contracts,the hevm command line program houses the capability to symbolically execute and debug smart contracts interactively while performing unit tests and other vulnerability assessments. As an implementation of the EVM, hevm serves as the execution engine for tool suites like dapp and smart contract fuzzers like Echidna.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to hevm
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with hevm.

Static Analysis Tools
Ethlint (Formerly Solium) analyzes your Solidity code for style & security issues and fixes them.

Static Analysis Tools
Solidity static analysis framework and vulnerability detectors for auditing smart contracts.

Static Analysis Tools
Lint your files according to the Solidity plugin for Prettier, a code formatter.
hevm Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like hevm.

Fuzzing Tools
Arachne is a scaffolding framework built to streamline the development of large-scale fuzzing suites.

Fuzzing Tools
Echidna is a fuzzing / property-based testing tool for Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Fuzzing Tools
Tayt is a Starknet (Cairo) smart contract fuzzer in a Python box.