What Happens to My Webhooks When I Hit My CU Limit?

If you hit your Compute Units (CUs) limit without autoscaling enabled, all your active webhooks will automatically be set to a “paused” state. Here’s what that means and what you can do to manage it.
What Happens When My Webhooks Are in a “Paused” State?
When your webhooks are in the “paused” state, they will temporarily stop operating and won’t trigger any notifications or events. This pause occurs until you either:
Manually unpause the webhooks through your Alchemy Dashboard.
Acquire more CUs or upgrade to a higher tier.
How to Unpause Your Webhooks
To unpause your webhooks and resume normal operation, simply:
Log in to your Alchemy Dashboard.
Navigate to the Webhooks section under Data Services.
Locate the paused webhooks and click Unpause.
Why Won’t My Paused Webhooks Automatically Unpause After an Upgrade or When I Acquire More CUs?
Even after you upgrade your plan or gain more CUs, your webhooks won’t automatically unpause. This is by design. Many users hit their CUs limit early in the month, and we want to ensure that webhooks are only consuming resources when they’re valuable to your operations. To prevent unnecessary resource usage, you’ll need to manually unpause your webhooks, even after an upgrade.
By managing your webhooks manually, you can ensure they only run when needed and prevent unnecessary resource consumption.
📘 For more information, please visit our webhooks documentation!