How to Downgrade to Free Tier

How to Downgrade to Free Tier

Written by Author headshotKilliane Menand
Published on August 1, 20241 min read

If you decide to downgrade to the free tier on Alchemy, follow these steps to adjust your account without any issues!

This will switch your account to the free tier, ensuring you will not be billed for additional usage beyond the free tier limits:

Log into your Alchemy account and access the billing settings either through the left panel or directly via this link: Billing Settings.

Within the Billing page, you’ll find options both to downgrade your account and to edit your card information. These settings ensure you will not incur any charges, as they strictly limit usage to the free tier allowances.

At the bottom of the Billing page, you’ll find a button labeled ‘Downgrade to Free Tier’.

Click on this button and follow the prompts to confirm your downgrade.

If the button is greyed out, hover your cursor over it to see the reason why you cannot downgrade at this time.

From the Billing page, select the ‘Payment Details’ tab at the top. Here, you can remove your credit card details to prevent future charges.

Downgrading to the free tier allows you to continue using Alchemy’s services within the defined free usage limits, ensuring you are not charged while still having access to essential features.

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