Can I use one Alchemy account for both personal apps and team apps?

Can I use one Alchemy account for both personal apps and team apps?

Written by Author headshotKilliane Menand
Published on August 1, 20241 min read

Currently, Alchemy accounts are designed to support either personal apps or team apps, but not both simultaneously. To best manage your apps and collaborations, we recommend setting up two separate Alchemy accounts:

  • Personal Account: Dedicated solely to your personal projects.

  • Team Account: Used exclusively for collaborations and team projects.

To easily manage multiple accounts without needing separate email addresses, you can use a simple trick with your existing email. For instance, if your primary email is [email protected], you can register your second account as [email protected]. Emails to this modified address will still arrive in your primary inbox, thanks to the โ€˜+โ€™ sign.

If you need to set up a new team account or revert a current account back to personal use, our team is here to assist you every step of the way. This allows you to seamlessly switch contexts between personal and team projects without any overlap!

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