Umbria Network

What is Umbria Network?
The Umbria Network Narni bridge is a capital-efficient, multi-chain asset bridge that enables the cheap and fast bi-directional bridging of crypto assets between the Ethereum Mainnet and a range of EVM-compatible blockchains. It uses a novel liquidity provision protocol that greatly decreases the cost of transferring funds between chains in comparison to traditional validator-driven mint/burn, lock/unlock bridges. It also offers a remarkable improvement in speed-to-finality.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Umbria Network
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Resources and Guides about Web3 Bridges
Umbria Network Alternatives
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Web3 Bridges
Stargate is a DeFi-focused liquidity bridge.

Web3 Bridges
Synapse Protocol enables cross-chain communication for facilitating transactions across blockchains.

Web3 Bridges
Layerswap enables fast and reliable crypto transfers across networks and exchanges.
