Solidity Flattener
Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity Flattener
Utility to combine Solidity project to a flat file.
What is Solidity Flattener?
A Gnosis Chain project to combine declared Solidity project imports into one flatten .sol file. Developers can create Solidity projects that are easier to manage and scale. Gnosis Chain is easy to install (npm or from file) and has single use which it accomplishes quickly. The +200 growing number of GitHub spaces testify to its usefulness.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Solidity Flattener
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Solidity Flattener.
Huff Starter Kit
Smart Contract Tools
Chainlink hosted repository with Huff smart contract templates for free.
Smart Contract Tools
OpenZeppelin (Solidity) contract patterns written and optimized in the Huff assembly language.
Static Analysis Tools
Solidity static analysis framework and vulnerability detectors for auditing smart contracts.
Resources and Guides about Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity Flattener Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Solidity Flattener.
Solidity Developer Tools
Etherspot is a wallet infrastructure for the developers building in the Ethereum ecosystem.
Block Explorers
Ethernal is an open-source block explorer for EVM-based chains.
Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity library to sign off-chain messages that grant non-transferrable powers to other people.