Mumbai Faucet

What is Mumbai Faucet?
The Polygon Mumbai Faucet airdrops testnet MATIC token (not real) to the Ethereum address submitted for a dispensary. While the tokens don't have transferable value, they help developers with testing smart contract interactions on the Mumbai testnet for Polygon infrastructure-based DApps. The Mumbai faucet is hosted by Alchemy.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Mumbai Faucet
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Crypto Faucets
Get 1 SepoliaETH per day with Alchemy's fast and reliable Sepolia faucet!

Crypto Faucets
Superchain faucet funds up to 1 ETH every 24 hours across test networks on the Superchain.

Crypto Faucets
Polygon Facuet is a tool that provides developers free testnet tokens for testing and development.