What is Delegatable?
Delegatable framework, created by Dan Finlay to help Web3 companies with security, onboarding, and other tasks through delegation. Users onboarding to platforms using the framework don't have to use a wallet, spend gas, or wait for transactions blocking each other to proceed into apps. Developers enjoy a less security-intensive development process, can batch transactions, and enjoy better resource usage.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Delegatable
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Delegatable.

Smart Contract Tools
codeslaw facilitates faster Ethereum development by allowing developers to search for smart contracts.

Smart Contract Tools
View the source of deployed Ethereum contracts in a VS Code browser instance.

Smart Contract Tools
Open source code for the Ethereum transaction viewer's frontend. <https://tx.eth.samczsun.com/>
Resources and Guides about Solidity Developer Tools
Delegatable Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Delegatable.

Development Frameworks
Tokensoft provides enterprise-grade blockchain solutions, supporting a wide range of use cases.


Solidity Developer Tools
A set of utilities for exploring Solidity contracts.

Solidity Developer Tools
A VS Code extension that helps with writing security-conscious Solidity code.