Solidity Visual Auditor
Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity Visual Auditor
A VS Code extension that helps with writing security-conscious Solidity code.
What is Solidity Visual Auditor ?
The Solidity Visual Auditor is a ConsenSys project that improves the Visual Studio Code IDE Solidity smart contract writing experience. Developers can enable syntax and semantic highlighting along with an intuitive security audit before smart contracts are on-chain. +400 stars on Git Hub and +55k downloads, and a 5-star rating on the VS marketplace speak volumes about the performance and usefulness front of the extension.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Solidity Visual Auditor
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Solidity Visual Auditor .
Solhint for IntelliJ
Static Analysis Tools
Solhint for IntelliJ is a Solhint plugin for the IntelliJ javascript IDE.
Static Analysis Tools
Ethlint (Formerly Solium) analyzes your Solidity code for style & security issues and fixes them.
Static Analysis Tools
Open-source, configurable Solidity linter for syntax-related vulnerabilities built by Protofire.
Resources and Guides about Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity Visual Auditor Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Solidity Visual Auditor .
Block Explorers
Ethernal is an open-source block explorer for EVM-based chains.
Husky for Git Hooks
Solidity Developer Tools
A Git Hooks manager to improve git commits with pre- or post-execution of scripts.
Smart Contract Tools
An Interface to interact with contracts on EVM chains (including a local chain).