Optimism Goerli Support Ending Mar 7 - Migrate to Sepolia
Optimism has informed us that they will deprecate Optimism Goerli on March 7. On the same day, we will turn off our Goerli nodes for Optimism. This means if you try to send requests to these nodes, your requests will fail with a DNS resolution error.
Required Actions for Developers
To ensure you’re able to continue testing seamlessly, you will need to migrate to Optimism Sepolia before March 7.
Optimism Sepolia is the sustainable path forward for web3 developers and we encourage devs to use it for any testing and development needs.
Optimism Sepolia offers many benefits over Goerli, such as improved scalability and lower gas fees — all attributes we think will ultimately lead to better application development.
How to Migrate to Optimism Sepolia

Follow these 5 steps to migrate from Goerli to the Sepolia testnet on Optimism:
Create a new app from the Alchemy dashboard on the Optimism Sepolia network.
Get free Optimism Sepolia tokens from Alchemy's public Optimism Sepolia Faucet which drips up to 0.5 SepoliaETH per day.
Change your
to your Optimism Sepolia RPC URLhttps://opt-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/[YOUR-API-KEY]
Deploy your test contract to Optimism Sepolia.
Change your tests to use the new contract.
For more detailed instructions, please reference the "How to Deploy a Smart Contract to the Sepolia Testnet" tutorial on our docs.
A Note on Other Chains
We do not yet have a date where we will end support for Ethereum, Arbitrum, zkEvm and Starknet Goerli nodes. We will keep you informed as we establish timelines for these chains.
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