I started working in the blockchain industry at a digital asset focused investment firm as their developer in charge of DeFi operations and made partner. I have since moved on to work at Dexalot, a central limit order book on the avalanche blockchain, as a solidity developer. I enjoy researching security and code optimizations for EVM chain smart contracts.
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How does Yul storage work?
Understand How Storage Works in the Yul Smart Contract Programming Language
How do Yul contract calls work?
Learn how Contract Calls Work Within the Yul Smart Contract Programming Language
How to Read and Write Packed Storage Variables in Yul
Understand How to Read and Write Packed Storage Variables in Yul
What is Yul?
Learn How to Use Yul to Write Smart Contracts and How It is Different from Solidity
How does memory work in Yul?
Learn How Memory Works in the Yul Smart Contract Programming Language
How to Choose the Right Blockchain for Your dApp
Discover How Developers Choose the Right Blockchain to Build On