What is Solcurity?
A security-conscious list of standards compiled from the work by experts including Mudit Gupta, and organizations like ConsenSys Diligence, BoringCrypto, and Runtime Verification. Smart contract developers can learn how to approach sensitive data handling code using best practice methods and checks. Over a hundred such advice points ranging from event calls, contract structure, and DeFi-specific standards are available.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Solcurity
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Solcurity.

Static Analysis Tools
Glider analyzes smart contract codes on EVM chains rapidly.

Wallet Security Tools
dApprovals is the most advanced and secure way to manage your transaction approvals in one place.

Static Analysis Tools
Solidity static analysis framework and vulnerability detectors for auditing smart contracts.
Resources and Guides about Blockchain Security Tools
Solcurity Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Solcurity.

Blockchain Security Tools
Polyzoa is an anti-scam security layer that embeds directly into the core of blockchain infrastructure.

Smart Contract Tools
codeslaw facilitates faster Ethereum development by allowing developers to search for smart contracts.

Blockchain Security Tools
Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge (STARK) is a secure and efficient cryptographic proofs.
