What is PoolTogether?
Save money and win prizes! PoolTogether is a savings account with superpowers. Deposit USDC for a chance to win. Participate in daily prize draws, and withdraw your deposit any time - even if you don't win. No Loss!
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to PoolTogether
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with PoolTogether.

Decentralized Synthetics
Synthetix facilitates the issuance of synthetic ‘real-world’ assets on the Ethereum blockchain.

Decentralized Lending Dapps
Jet Protocol allows for efficient borrowing and lending on the Solana chain.

Decentralized Lending Dapps
Notional is the leading fixed rate, fixed term borrowing and lending protocol on Ethereum.
Resources and Guides about DeFi Yield Aggregators
PoolTogether Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like PoolTogether.

DeFi Yield Aggregators
Goat Protocol is a decentralized yield optimizer helping users earn compound interest on crypto assets.

Liquid Staking Platforms
Veno Finance offers liquid staking for multiple tokens, including CRO and ATOM.

DeFi Yield Aggregators
Harvest Finance, an asset management protocol, allows yield farmers to generate higher profits.