What is ERC721A?
ERC721A is a gas-efficient implementation of the common ERC721 standard used by notable projects to mint multiple NFTs in batches. It was created by the Chiru Labs Azuki team. Developers can use the Solidity smart contract to pass quantities of tokens to mint in one transaction, or add features to the repository by forking and pushing new changes.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to ERC721A
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with ERC721A.

Alchemy's NFT API helps you build cross-chain NFT apps for free.

NFT App Templates
An Alchemy-hosted Next.js + Tailwind CSS example for building an NFT gallery

OpenSea Stream API helps developers get real-time updates on events in the OpenSea marketplace.
Resources and Guides about NFT Smart Contract Templates
ERC721A Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like ERC721A.

NFT Minting Tools
Transient is the premier NFT innovation platform for web3 creators, projects, and ecosystems.

NFT Distribution Tools
Create and sell NFTs without requiring NFT, Web3, or crypto knowledge.

NFT Smart Contract Templates
Metaplex helps creators and developers seamlessly build and launch their NFT projects on Solana.