Bitget Wallet
Wallet SDKsSoftware WalletsSmart Contract WalletsMPC Wallets
Bitget Wallet
Asia's largest and one of the world's leading all-in-one Web3 trading wallets.
What is Bitget Wallet?
Since its inception in 2018, Bitget Wallet (formerly known as BitKeep) has attracted 60 million users across 168 countries worldwide, emerging as Asia's largest decentralized crypto wallet. With a wide array of Web3 services including non-custodial token management, token Swap, real-time market data, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and Staking, users can be sure that Bitget Wallet meets all their Web3 trading needs.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Bitget Wallet
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Bitget Wallet.
MPC Wallets
Portal provides an embedded MPC wallet SDK and security tools for enterprise and developers.
Hardware Wallets
An easy-to-use web3 hardware wallet that stores private keys and signs transactions over NFC.
Soul Wallet
Smart Contract Wallets
The smart contract wallet, backed by the Ethereum community. #ERC4337
Bitget Wallet Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Bitget Wallet.