What is forgivenet?
There is only one true currency between human beings. forgivenet® is the start of something new. It is the first whispers of a global currency of love based on forgiveness. You can request forgiveness from those you’ve wronged and receive an FRGVN token in return.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to forgivenet
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with forgivenet.

Web3 Social Media Dapps
Status is a messaging app, wallet, and Web3 browser that puts a high value on security.

Web3 Creator Tools
BULB is a Write-to-Earn and Read-to-Earn blogging platform.

Web3 Social Media Dapps
Mask Network is a free and open source software developed and maintained by Dimension.
Resources and Guides about Social Tokens
forgivenet Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like forgivenet.