Migrating NFT Data from SimpleHash to Alchemy
SimpleHash is sunsetting its services on March 27, 2025, and this guide provides a straightforward path for you to migrate NFT Data to Alchemy.
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions!
We offer a seamless transition from SimpleHash with robust, reliable, and scalable NFT APIs.
Our NFT API provides:
Multi-chain support (30+ chains supported)
Ownership & transfer history
Real-time metadata updates
Support for special case NFTs (e.g., CryptoPunks and other non-standard ERC-721/1155 implementations)
White-glove support for migration assistance
If you've been using SimpleHash for NFT metadata, collection data, and ownership tracking, migrating to Alchemy is straightforward.
Steps to Migrate:
Sign up for an Alchemy account and generate an API key.
Replace SimpleHash endpoints with Alchemy’s NFT API endpoints.
Update your request formats (Alchemy’s documentation provides clear examples).
Test and validate data consistency
Reach out to us at [email protected] for any feature requests or additional migration assistance.
Example: Fetching NFTs Owned by a Wallet
Docs: https://docs.alchemy.com/reference/getnftsforowner-v3
📌 Example Wallet: 0x89205A3A3b2A69De6Dbf7f01ED13B2108B2c43e7
SimpleHash Endpoint (Deprecated)
curl -X GET "<https://api.simplehash.com/nfts/owners?wallet=0x89205A3A3b2A69De6Dbf7f01ED13B2108B2c43e7>"
Alchemy Equivalent
Try it out here!
curl -X GET "<https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/YOUR_API_KEY/getNFTs?owner=0x89205A3A3b2A69De6Dbf7f01ED13B2108B2c43e7>"
Alchemy API Response:
"ownedNfts": [
"contract": {
"address": "0x49D38C87a8D5c8c67C6d84321752D9af0BCB428c",
"name": "aaveprotocol.net",
"symbol": "Airdrop",
"totalSupply": "19990",
"tokenType": "ERC1155",
"contractDeployer": "0x1524F7e162ae5136343727b36021E14AcCAd83f2",
"deployedBlockNumber": 19101952,
"openSeaMetadata": {
"floorPrice": 0,
"collectionName": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"collectionSlug": "visit-aaveprotocol-net-to-claim-rewards-1",
"safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
"imageUrl": "<https://i.seadn.io/s/raw/files/6c70895d3df6e4ab50546db12eccc74d.png?w=500&auto=format>",
"description": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"externalUrl": null,
"twitterUsername": null,
"discordUrl": null,
"bannerImageUrl": null,
"lastIngestedAt": "2025-02-18T04:02:33.000Z"
"isSpam": null,
"spamClassifications": []
"tokenId": "0",
"tokenType": "ERC1155",
"name": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"description": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"tokenUri": "<https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSqGiLcFK3uxTjwRxMSzqbiNFRCaNiL1ps61gJtaxqB4r/0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.json>",
"image": {
"cachedUrl": "<https://nft-cdn.alchemy.com/eth-mainnet/bda833c8977f198e0a76185a7c195388>",
"thumbnailUrl": "<https://res.cloudinary.com/alchemyapi/image/upload/thumbnailv2/eth-mainnet/bda833c8977f198e0a76185a7c195388>",
"pngUrl": "<https://res.cloudinary.com/alchemyapi/image/upload/convert-png/eth-mainnet/bda833c8977f198e0a76185a7c195388>",
"contentType": "image/png",
"size": 171504,
"originalUrl": "<https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWwUwWQQXd3QfZb3ThoGGckTYrUEW2JkPENethzHLVNqw>"
"raw": {
"tokenUri": "<https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSqGiLcFK3uxTjwRxMSzqbiNFRCaNiL1ps61gJtaxqB4r/{id}.json>",
"metadata": {
"name": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"description": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"image": "<https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWwUwWQQXd3QfZb3ThoGGckTYrUEW2JkPENethzHLVNqw>"
"error": null
"collection": {
"name": "Visit aaveprotocol.net to claim rewards",
"slug": "visit-aaveprotocol-net-to-claim-rewards-1",
"externalUrl": null,
"bannerImageUrl": null
"mint": {
"mintAddress": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"timestamp": null,
"transactionHash": null
"owners": null,
"timeLastUpdated": "2025-02-26T11:26:38.942Z",
"balance": "1",
"acquiredAt": {
"blockTimestamp": null,
"blockNumber": null
Note: Alchemy supports special-case NFTs like CryptoPunks, which do not adhere to ERC-721 metadata standards. Our API is optimized for performance and reliability, making it the ideal long-term solution for your NFT data needs.
More Alchemy NFT Features
In addition to fetching NFTs owned by a wallet, we provide:
NFT contract ownership – Contract level NFT data
NFT Sales/Floor Prices – Sales data/price data
Token Gating & Utility Tracking – enhance user experiences with token-gated content
NFT Webhooks — Webhooks to track NFT transfers and metadata updates
Start Your Migration To Alchemy
We understand migrating services can be complex, but we are here to make it easy with dedicated support, feature parity, and expanded capabilities.
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