Daniel Idowu is a Software Developer, Technical Writer, and Developer Relations Advocate. I enjoy speaking and writing about AI & Blockchain. He has had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, from web applications to mobile apps, using different programming languages and frameworks. He enjoys the challenge of problem-solving and creating solutions that meet users' needs. In addition to writing code, he has a strong passion for technical writing and believes that good documentation is key to a successful project, and enjoys crafting clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation & guides that helps users get up and running quickly.
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8 Reasons to Choose Polygon for Blockchain Development
Discover the Reasons Why Developers Choose to Build on Polygon
How to Calculate Rent for Solana Programs
Learn How Solana Rent Works and How to Calculate it for Your Next Solana Program
6 Solidity Smart Contract Security Best Practices
Secure Your Smart Contracts With These Expert Security Tips and Tools
10 Expert Solidity Gas Optimization Techniques
Why Your Gas Fees Are High and 10 Ways to Lower Them
What is the Solidity compiler?
Learn How the Solidity Compiler Works and How to Use it
Introduction to Solidity Smart Contracts
Gain A High-Level Understanding of Ethereum Smart Contracts
How to Airdrop Solana NFTs Using Metaplex and Gumdrop
Use Gumdrop to Airdrop Solana NFTs to Collectors